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I review books on a regular basis. These books are usually provided by the publisher or author. I am not paid for my reviews in any way.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

So Many Books, So Little Time!

I have been so blessed lately by the books that I have won in the various blog contests. Thanks to all the bloggers who have made those opportunities available. I too am going to start doing giveaways on my blog as well. You have to return the favors. I have only just learned how to do this blog the correct way, so I am finally getting it slowly, but surely. I am also committed to the blog tours, which I love so very much. I feel priviledged to review a book and post it on my blog. I try not to take that for granted.
What I am really frustrated with currently though, is that my "to be read" list is growing quite large and it seems like I do not have enough hours in the day to tackle the stacks of books like I would like to.
Am I alone in this? Does anyone else feel this same way? I do work full time, and my attempts to read at bedtime, still does not get me through the average novel as quickly as it used to. But I will keep reading on as my love of books is like my love of life itself. There are so many great authors out there to discover it is like a great adventure everyday!
Here's to the journey ahead of us...even though we have those yield signs and bumps in the roads and stop signs that keep us from finishing those books faster than we would like.


unidiverse said...

That was well written. And yes, even though I am a stay at home mom, my reading list seems to be growing...especially since I really want to post a review on almost all of the books I read on my share with others. I would like to have you over sometime so that you could share your ideas and what you have learned about bloging.


Lucie said...

I LOVE your new blog look! Wow! This blog reminds me of you (the scrapbook look to it and its soo cute!)
I have been working on mine a little too. Seems like there is always something new to try out in the world of blogging!
I missed you this morning, hope that you are feeling well.

Unknown said...


Never fear....all of us have TBR piles that are so large, we'll never get through them all! :o) I also work full-time, so I understand how difficult it can be to get books read in a timely fashion, especially those that are for blog tours.


Kathy Christensen said...

I have always had that problem, even before I had kids. Now that the little ones are getting bigger, they aren't sleeping in the car or liking to just sit and watch a movie like they were just a few months ago. This is the time I had figured out to do my reading and Bible study homework.
I haven't had time to scrapbook so cannot fathom having time for my own blog, so kudos to you for having the time and gumption to take on this new fangled internet thing ;-)
Your website is beautiful and so are you!

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