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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Simple Pleasures

Since it is the "Month of Love", I wanted to take a moment to express how important it is to tell those that you love and care about how you feel while you have the chance. So many times in our lives we will think there is another day to make that phone call, or send that card that tells someone special in our life how we feel. We know that sometimes those moments don't happen, and other times we take simple pleasures for granted. I have been known to be very good at expressing my emotions. But I am not perfect and I have learned from my mistakes. I really value the close relationships that I have been blessed with. I choose my friends wisely as I have been hurt so bad in the past.
Someone whom I am really thankful for is my Best Friend Lucie. I am so blessed to have such a good relationship with her. We have shared a lot of life's ups and downs in the short time that God has blessed us with our friendship, and I don't know what I would do without her. When they made that saying along time ago, "A friend is someone who knows everything about you and loves you anyways." I know it was perfect for my friendship with Lucie. I am so blessed also to help Lucie with our Chick Lit book club and feel so honored that God has called us to such a fun and fulfilling ministry.
So as you celebrate this "Month of Love" we do celebrate our Valentines, but also stop and think about those other people around you whom you may need to make that overdue phone call to. It may just be what they need to get them through the day!


Lucie said...

Aaawwww, Deborah! That was way sweet!! Thank you for being you! You are a special blessing in my life!

Love ya,

Lucie said...

Hey Deborah!
What a great meeting last night was! Thank you for opening up your home to meet with me there.

Also, just for fun, I am designing a blog - working on the graphics and layout - check it out:

I still need to find a way to add the whole background cuz it was a surprise for you!!! Hopefully I'll be able to make it worK :-)


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