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I review books on a regular basis. These books are usually provided by the publisher or author. I am not paid for my reviews in any way.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Book Review-Saving Cicadas by Nicole Seitz

Saving Cicadas is a book unlike any book that I've ever read. It's the story of a single mother, Priscilla Macy, who learns she has become pregnant with a third child. It is an unwanted child that she carries.Feeling like she is at a crossroad in her life, she packs up her family,8 year old daughter,Janie,17 year old Rainey who has Down Syndrome, Mom, Mona, who is the meanest grandmother in the world (at least it seems to Janie) and Father Poppy, into the car and begins a journey of searching for answers.
The trip seems aimless until Janie realizes they are searching for the father who left them years ago. When they can't find him, they make their way to Forest Pines, SC. Priscilla hasn't been to her family home in many years and finds it a mixed blessing of hope, buried secrets, and family ghosts.
Through eyes of innocence, Janie learns the hard realities of life and the difficult choices grownups make. And she must face disturbing truths about the people she loves in order to carry them in the moments that matter most.
Seitz chose to tell this story using the voices of eight-year-old Janie and her grandma, Mona. I thought Janie’s voice was totally believable, and the story worked with her telling it. I didn’t think Mona worked as well, mostly because of her reserve. Mona told information that was vital to the story, but her character was mean and cold, a major difference to Janie’s. I understand why Seitz used Mona to tell the story, but the only reasoning I could come up with for the harshness of the transition was that some of the story matter itself was harsh and Mona was the one who exposed it. Although I believe Seitz’s story was well worth the telling, I found myself not believing the book, and that made it a less enjoyable read.


Lucie said...

I love your new saying! You have such a way with words!!

I appreciate all that you do to help me Deborah and I know that with God by our sides it can only get better from here!

Love ya,

unidiverse said...

Your review was well written, Deborah, I enjoyed reading it...but I am not sure I am interested in the book. I love how your blog looks.


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