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I review books on a regular basis. These books are usually provided by the publisher or author. I am not paid for my reviews in any way.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Never Let You Go- A book review

Lexi Solomon is struggling to put her life back together. Ever since her husband Grant left her, she's barely made ends meet for her and her daughter. Suddenly, within a span of a few hours, everything she held dear threatens to fall apart. Erin Healy's first novel of her own, after co-authoring two with Ted Dekker, is a thrilling story about forgiveness, survival and spiritual warfare.

When Lexi's daughter, Molly, was only two, her drug addicted husband left her. Around that same time, a man named Norman Von Ruden murdered her sister. Now, seven years later, a low-life drug dealer gives Lexi an ultimatum. She must testify on Norman 's behalf at his parole hearing, or he'll harm her daughter. Then, Grant storms back into her life, trying to renew ties with his daughter. Further threatening Lexi's sanity is her father, who is in a mental institution, and her mother, who will have nothing to do with him.

Working two jobs and behind on utility payments, Lexi doesn't know if she'll make it. To make things worse, she's starting to see things and losing her grip on what is real and what isn't.

Knowing Healy's background with Dekker, I expected to there to be some sort of supernatural angle to NEVER LET YOU GO, and there is. It is powerful and gripping and gives you hope that good will ultimately prevail. My only complaint would be that some of the early hints of the supernatural elements were confusing.

Once the story gets rolling, it was hard to stop reading. Lexi's fight for Molly is both captivating and wrenching. The villains are pure evil, and the spiritual message is uplifting and hopeful. A must-read for Christian fiction fans who enjoy Dekker.
Thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishers for this copy of Erin Healy's book in exchange for my review.

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